
The hurricane or storm season is here, and what needs to be protected the most is your home’s roof! The roof of your house is the first line of defense against extreme weather in Ohio River Valley when it comes to the safety of your family. Ohio River Valley is famous for its severe and disastrous stormy season, as even a single storm can cause multiple injuries.

Every weather comes with its own sort of damage to your roofing, such as the sun weakening the shingles, rain causing moisture damage, heavy ice and snow causing roof sagging, and storms or heavy wind being catastrophic. We cannot control the uncertain weather but devise some strategies to minimize the storm damage. This guide will emphasize how to prevent storm damage to roofs and ways to respond after a heavy storm has hit the roof in Ohio River Valley. Let’s find out!

How to Prevent Storm Damage to Roofs in Ohio River Valley?

The uncertainty of weather cannot be assessed and controlled when it comes to Ohio River Valley, but there are still a lot of things that homeowners can do to prevent storm damage to roofs. From regularly upkeeping the roofing structure to installing the hurricane straps— there are multiple preventions to avoid roof damage in Ohio River Valley. Let’s explore!

Ø Tips and Tricks to Prevent Storm Damage

If storm season is approaching, you can always take proactive measures to not only minimize storm damage but prevent it completely. No matter if the storm is followed by rain or snow, these tips and tricks can save you and your family members from the catastrophe. Here’s a checklist to follow for the stormy season:

·       Regular Upkeep and Maintenance

No hurricane or storm damage can be avoided unless you’re performing regular roof maintenance and upkeep to keep its structure intact. Even a minor crack can result in disaster when hit by a heavy wind. It is recommended to consult the professional roof inspection service in Ohio River Valley to keep a check on the roofing structure’s overall condition.

·       Gutter and Downspout Cleaning

Heavy rainfall combined with winds can cause severe damage to roofs, especially when the drains or downspouts are clogged. As per the Reports of NASA Earth Observatory, heavy rain that filled the floor water in the Ohio River was the main culprit of flooding in the Ohio River Valley back in 2005. Thus, keeping in mind the severity of the weather in Ohio River Valley, it’s always recommended to keep a check on gutters and downspouts. If rainwater is allowed to stay on the rooftop, it can seep or leak inside the structure.

·       Trim Trees and Clear Surroundings

You might be wondering what clearing or trimming trees has to do with the storm prep! During storms, heavy wind can cause dead or hanging branches to fall on the roof, causing it to sag or damage the shingles. Moreover, make sure that all the tree branches are six feet or more away from the roof structure.

·       Hurricane Straps

You might not know if hurricane straps even exist, but worry not, let’s find out how they work! Hurricane straps can help secure the roof structure against heavy winds, rain, and snow. Not only the damage prevention but some of the insurance companies offer premium discounts to homeowners who have them installed already.

What to Do After Storm Damage to Roof in Ohio River Valley?

The storm is over, and you have a sigh of relief— but wait! Is the roof structure intact, or is it severely damaged by heavy wind, rain, or snow? Let’s find out what to do after the storm damages the roof to prevent any further damage and protect your loved ones who are underneath the roof.

Ø Examine/Inspect the Roof

Head out of your home once the storm is completely over and inspect the roof visually. Go all around your home and examine the roof with the naked eye for any damage, cracks, broken shingles, and more. Use a ladder to climb up and visually inspect the roof (without climbing or putting weight onto the structure). Once the inspection or evaluation is done, it’s time for repair work.

Ø Repair Works (Temporary)

Conducting an immediate inspection after the roof damage is necessary to find out whether the damage needs immediate repair or whether the roofing structure can survive. If immediate repairs are needed, make sure to employ the temporary repair until the permanent solution comes in place. Materials like roofing cement, tarps, replacing the damaged shingle to cover the exposed part, and more can be applied on a temporary basis.

Ø Insurance Claim & Documentation

Documenting the damage should be your next move after the roof has been inspected and temporarily repaired. Documenting involves taking clear photographs of the affected area and then submitting an insurance claim request. You can also make the proper notes stating the damaged areas or the extent of damage to the roof for a clearer picture to your insurance agent.

An insurance adjuster might visit your home to inspect the roof and assess the damage. Once the evaluation has been completed, the insurance company will provide a fair price for the damage repairs.

Ø Contact the Professionals

Once the claim has been cleared, contact any professional roofing company in Ohio for permanent repairs. Professional roofing companies will not only inspect and assess the damage thoroughly but also ensure the prevention of the same damage in the future. Moreover, the professional can also identify the hidden damage to the roofing, which was not visible to the naked eye before. Thus, it’s imperative to hire a professional contractor for the safety and security of your roofing structure and to extend the lifespan of it.


Weather can be your biggest enemy while living in Ohio River Valley due to heavy winds and stormy seasons. However, following a simple checklist and some practical measures, you can easily get through the stormy season. If any storm damage occurs to your home’s roof, make sure to inspect it immediately and then hire a professional contractor for a permanent solution.

If you are looking for the most professional, responsive, and honest roofing contractor in Ohio and West Virginia, look no further.

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